Getting the Best Results | Cataract Surgery

Getting the Best Results from Your Cataract Surgery | The Eye ProfessionalsCataract surgery is one of the safest and most successful procedures. It only takes about 24 hours for most people to resume everyday activities after cataract surgery. Below are some cautions and tips that will maximize your recovery. 

These tips are suggestions and recommendations and are not intended to offer medical advice.  Follow your own eye doctor's recommendations and advice. 

Eye Drops After Cataract Surgery

Your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection and anti-inflammatory eye drops to help reduce inflammation. The length of time you will need the anti-inflammatory eye drops depends on how much postoperative inflammation you experience, so for optimum recovery, precisely follow the eye drop schedule your doctor gives you.


Make sure you have transportation after your surgery. Your eye may be bandaged and the sedation used for your surgery can leave you feeling fatigued, so ask a friend or family member to drive you to and from your surgery as well as anywhere else you need to go for at least 24 hours after your surgery.  Don't forget that you'll need a ride the next day for your post-operative visit. 

Avoid Lifting

Don’t do any heavy lifting, repeated bending, or strenuous activity until you are completely recovered from your cataract surgery. These activities, especially bending over, put extra pressure on your eye, but also increase the chances of falling and hitting your eye. Walking and light housework are fine. Wait until your surgeon clears you before your resume your more strenuous activities.

No Swimming

Stay out of swimming pools and hot tubs for at least one week after your surgery. Pools and hot tubs can contain bacteria, so you don’t want to expose a healing surgical wound to the bacteria that may be in a pool or hot tub. It's also a good idea to stay away from dust and wind during the first few weeks after surgery, because irritants like that aren’t helpful to your eye while it is healing.

Eye Protection

Wear sunglasses because after cataract surgery your eye will be more sensitive to light than it was before.

Continue wearing your protective shield when you sleep to prevent you from rubbing your eye while you sleep. Don’t worry if your eye feels itchy. It’s a sign of healing. Just don’t rub it. That could cause a corneal abrasion and prolong your recovery.

Follow all your eye doctor's post-operative instructions and notify your doctor if you have increased eye pain, if your post-operative swelling or redness get worse, if there is discharge from your eye, or flashes of light in your vision.